Monday, May 4, 2009

Color me crabby...

So I have further proof that our computer age where we have lots of things that we cannot hold in our hands sucks. Yesterday I discover on my way too nice for me Itouch that somehow all of my purchased songs are gone and since i last used my girlfriend's lap top it is logged in as her. So I guess i will trudge to the mall this week and be made to feel like a hick by asking where my songs are. OK that is example 1, I am in the process of doing a zine and am doing it the old cut and paste way because that was how I learned and often I work on it at the new fangled screaming kids library and they have a new Word program that is hard to use. Well i went to open my template and file corrupt and it is the only one that will not open. In my own little world a zine put together with scissors and glue stick is needed now more than ever.

I really wasn't planning on being negative as of 3PM. I just wanted to flesh out a couple of reviews and blog here about the amazing character I ran into today. I had a phone interview which went OK in some ways (i made it to the second round) but the lady was short with me and cut me off several times. The home front was not to enthused about the prospect of data entry but at this point I just want to work. So I was semi grumpy and earlier when driving to a spot where i could actually get reception on my phone i saw this bearded, homeless looking guy i see walking around a lot (what makes this odd is I am currently living in a snooty town home area) rocking out on an electric guitar while crossing the street. I can't hear it but he is going off on it Ala Sonic Youth. I chuckled and laughed just thinking about all the BMW and Mercedes drivers being offended.

Well after my interview I saw him crossing and let him pass and he seemed really happy. I stopped and rolled my window down and said hello. He showed me his guitar which kind of looked like a Fender Jaguar but was covered in tons of white paint. I asked him what kind of guitar it was and he said he wasn't sure but he painted it and it was great for when he played it behind his head because people could see his name. And near the tuning pegs it said Jimi and he had painted the US flag on the back as well. He really didn't seem crazy really, more like an excited child showing an art project he had worked really hard on. If i wasn't beaming enough from this encounter in such a pretentious neighborhood he then says "I tried to get my girlfriend to come walk with me and she said no. So i brought my guitar with me so I would have someone to talk to." And really when I think about being mad about MP3 players and computers and looking for a job I think maybe I should just take a long walk and maybe something to talk to.

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